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Our Booths:

Our booths can include a variety of set ups:



Table Top Booth:


* Single modular piece ideal for small spaces.

Vinyl backdrop set ups are more suited to this

style of set up.





                                                                                             LEFT SIDE VIEW                              STRAIGHT ON                             RIGHT SIDE VIEW



Kids Open Booth:


* Two modular pieces, an ideal height for

children up to 120cm tall.  Any of our

backdrop products ups are suitable for

this type of set up.  











                                                                                             LEFT SIDE VIEW                              STRAIGHT ON                             RIGHT SIDE VIEW






Modular Open Booth:


* Free standing, 3 piece modular, stands at

approximately 165cm tall.  Requires

3m x 3m of space for full signature

set up with backdrop stand, prop table,

bollards/ropes, red carpet
















                                                                                                LEFT SIDE VIEW                           STRAIGHT ON                             RIGHT SIDE VIEW




Retro Booth:


* Our retro booth is by far our most popular.  With it's funky look and 

timber features it's aesthetically pleasing to suit any event venue and super

compact ideal for smaller spaces.
















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